Tuesday, 26 January 2010

New journal article in the International Journal of e-Collaboration

Collaborative Performance: Addressing the ROI of Collaboration

Published in: International Journal of e-Collaboration, Vol. 6, Issue 1
, pp. 53-69
Authors: Kjetil Kristensen (ESoCE-NET) & Björn Kijl (University of Twente)

Most companies tend to address collaboration in a fragmented, ad hoc manner, despite the fact that many professionals today spend most of their time on collaborative activities. Significant productivity improvements can be realized from approaching collaboration more systematically. This article explains how businesses can benefit from a systematic, structured investment in tools and methods supporting collaboration. The article proposes a few governing principles and a list of specific action points for businesses that are interested in improving collaborative performance and collaborative Return on Investment (ROI).
Read the abstract from the publisher IGI Global or access full text purchase options:
Collaborative Performance: Addressing the ROI of Collaboration >>

The article is a part of the IJeC Special Issue on Collaboraborative Working Environments featuring several articles from the ECOSPACE Integrated Project [project wiki] funded as a part of the European Commission's Strategic Objective Collaborative Working Environments.

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